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About Us

Personalised Approach

John was a senior builder for Bindon Construction in Auckland for many years before deciding to take the leap in 2016, shifting his family down to the mighty Waikato, and starting his very own company built upon the foundations of his experience. Ham Construction has gone from strength to strength, combining new products with superior quality and service. My team here at Ham Construction have a strong professional reputation and a high level of work ethic, striving for excellence.

John and his team have a very personable approach to all jobs whether they be large or small, with satisfaction guaranteed.

Excellence and Professionalism

Professionalism leads to workplace success, and the team at John Ham Construction have a strong professional reputation and a high level of work ethic and excellence. They establish priorities, set goals and create action plans and manage your project with efficiency to meet deadlines. They also ensure all work and results reflect a sense of pride and commitment, often exceeding expectations.


Developing and surrounding yourself with a network of professionals to build strong cordial relationships is key in small business, to not only develop effect team management, but to lay the groundwork to grow as a company. This not only includes your work colleagues but also your clientele as well. John understands this and is continually demonstrating fresh ideas, and guidance to ensure they stay at the top of their game.

Find out how they can help you with your next project...

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